Feeling Comfortable During a Shoot: How to Feel at Ease with Your Photographer

Photo shoots are fun and exciting, especially if you are doing it to document your special days. Whether it’s your sweet 16, your wedding, or your anniversary with your special one, you would most likely want to be comfortable during your shoot to get amazing photos.

Here, we will give some tips to make sure that you will feel comfortable with your professional photographer in Detroit (or wherever city you plan) during a photo shoot.

Meet Them Before the Scheduled Shoot

It would be wise to meet up with your photographer and their team before the actual shoot. Aside from knowing that they are a legitimate and professional team, you would also be able to get to know them properly before the big event.

It is not enough to talk with them on social media, as things can get awkward during the shoot. Meet up with them and ask them all of the questions you have in mind. It does not have to be a huge meetup, just a simple conversation over coffee would suffice.

Look for Locations with Your Photographer

Your photographer would know which locations will be the most scenic for your photo shoot theme, which is why bringing them along when scouting for a location is a wise decision. Not only would you be able to find the best location for your photo shoot, but you will also get to know your photographer and the team in advance. You get the chance to ask questions that will pop in your mind as you roam around the location, too.

Book Them for a Minor Event

prenuptial photoshoot

If you want to know your photographer and see their work ethics first-hand, then it would be wise to hire them first for a minor event. For example, if you are hiring them to shoot your wedding day, then you can try and hire them for the pre-nuptial or engagement shoot first.

Aside from getting totally comfortable with them during the wedding day (because you were able to work with them already), you will also get to see how they work in a professional manner.

Hire Them for a Friend’s Event

You can offer a friend or a family member to pay for their photography services during their special event. Not only will you be able to give them one of the best gifts ever, but you will also get to know the photographer that you are eyeing for your own event.

You should be present during the event or shoot, though, so you would be able to talk to the photographer and their team, as well as see how they work with a crowd. Seeing them at work allows you to put yourself in their current client’s position.

If you find yourself feeling comfortable with them during a shoot, then make an effort to be friends so you can hire them every time you have an event. Having a team that you can turn to for special events will make you feel comfortable and relaxed in pictures!

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