Dental Implants

Looking to learn all you can about how Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond could help improve your life?

The solution is out there Having missing teeth is a problem which affects a great number of people across the country, daily. Typically, the majority of people who have a full set of healthy, natural teeth sadly do not fully appreciate their value, until they are gone. Those who have visible spaces or gaps inside …

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senior women smiling

Want a stronger, natural smile over the age of 65? 5 reasons to consider oral implants

Who says oral implants are just for younger people? Age is associated with wisdom, distinction and, unfortunately, a worsening or more regular occurrence of dental issues. Similar to other health issues, dental problems are more likely to occur in older people due to an increase of inflammation markers, which heighten the risk of issues like …

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clear braces

The Benefits of Clear Braces

Teeth straightening is one of the most common dental procedures. Teeth straightening is the advised treatment for orthodontic conditions such as overbites, underbites, crossbites, malocclusions, and gaps between teeth. Teeth straightening can also be the solution for cases that cannot be identified as pathological, but the teeth could be aligned in a more aesthetic manner. …

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