Facts vs. Myths: Things You Need to Stop Believing About Binge Eating

Many people think that binge eating is not a real eating disorder. But it can also be a life-threatening condition if left untreated. If you suspect that you or a loved one is suffering from binge eating, then you shouldn’t take the news lightly. It will not only crush your confidence but also make you feel bad about yourself. It can harm your health. It can even ruin your life in many ways.

This is why you should never take binge eating disorder (BED) lightly. But like most disorders, misinformation is what makes people blind to the severity of the issue. To help yourself or your loved one experience full recovery from binge eating disorder, you should learn the truth behind the following misconceptions:

This eating disorder is rare

Many think that only a small number of people have BED. But in reality, millions of people experience this at one point in their lives. It is important to note that people with eating disorders are often in denial. Most suffer in silence, which is why it can be difficult to track the exact number of people with BED.

Binge eating cannot be treated

The good news is that binge eating is treatable. By getting professional help and support, you can start the treatment early and recover fast. The treatment is often a combination of medications, psychotherapy, and behavioral weight-loss programs once appropriate. It is important to remember that dieting is only advisable if you do this under the supervision of a professional. This is to make sure that you take the appropriate weight management tactics to avoid more binge eating episodes.

Overeating and binge eating are the same

It is one thing to help yourself with another scoop of your favorite ice cream or dessert. But binge eating is different from overeating. You may feel guilty about eating more than the recommended number of calories per day. But when it comes to people with BED, they feel extremely anxious, shameful, and guilty whenever a binge eating episode strikes. They can no longer control how much they eat, what kinds of food they consume, and how fast they eat.

People with BED are overweight

This is not always the case. There are many people with BED who can maintain normal body weight. Some do extreme measures just to compensate and retain weight that is appropriate for their height and build. They often feel guilty about their disorder. Others often eat alone and in secret in fear of getting caught acting on a binge eating episode.

Emotional abuse, trauma, and poor self-esteem are the only risk factors



All these can put you at risk of developing BED. But other things can trigger it. For instance, having family members with mood disorders and depression can put you at risk. Growing up in a family where one of the members also has BED can also put you at risk of developing the disorder.

These are just a few misconceptions people have on binge eating. When we easily believe information without digging a bit deeper, we end up spreading false news. If you want to help yourself or a loved one recover faster from BED, then the best way to start is to do a little research and educate yourself.

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