5 Ways to Address Bulimia in the Family

Bulimia is one of the worst eating disorders out there. It is a potentially life-threatening disorder that is usually characterized by episodes of binge eating and then vomiting. It is crucial that this disorder is addressed right away as it can mean life and death for a lot of people. For people who have bulimic people in their family or circle of friends, the following can help a lot in addressing it:

Look for possible treatment centers they may want to check into

One of the most trusted ways to address bulimia is through a strong treatment plan. Only a treatment center with employees and staff that have gone through competent training and constant updates will be able to handle people with bulimia well. You may also want to check if the treatment center has been duly accredited by the state government. For those who know someone who is suffering from this eating disorder, you should search for a bulimia treatment company to help address it.

Be careful when talking to them

When you are talking to someone who has bulimia, you need to be extra sensitive to the things that you say. Even little things like comments on how they look could have devastating effects on their self-esteem. Another thing you should remember is that you should explain the reason for your concern while also being prepared for any denial. You must also extend your patience as much as possible as you need to communicate that you care.

Encourage them to get help

This is probably the hardest thing that a family member or a friend has to go through. But it has to be done, considering that the longer a person has an untreated eating disorder, it becomes worse. This way, the doctor will also be able to recommend medications and treatments on other co-existing disorders and conditions. While you want them to seek help as soon as possible, you should not impose ultimatums on them as it will add unnecessary pressure on them.

Promote self-esteem if possible

eating with self-esteem

Self-esteem is one of the most influential factors that can affect a person’s recovery from eating disorders. Usually, when a person has low self-esteem, they do not feel that treatment is needed because they think that they do not deserve to get better. This is why as a friend, you should make it a point to promote a better self-image and self-esteem as much as possible. In a way, you will become a role model for your family or friend, which will inspire them to do better.

Make mealtimes a fun activity

This may seem unconventional but you should make it a point to inject fun into mealtimes. Your family should have mealtimes together as much as possible so that everyone will be able to have conversations. Show them that eating is a fun activity, especially when you have people you care about around you. This will also change their perception of food as something to be feared.


Bulimia is a hard disorder to have due to its physical, emotional, mental and psychological effects. But the tips mentioned above will help a lot in ensuring that your friend or family member will get better.

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