True Colors: Why Women Get Yellow Vaginal Discharge

It’s one of those girl-things that happen everyday, but still leave a lot of women mystified: vaginal discharge. At some point, for sure, you asked, what on earth is happening to your body? Should you hit the panic button and go to your gyno, and the most common: why it’s color yellow, even. Here’s the simple truth: the fluid coming out of your vagina carries dead cells and bacteria, so you can think of it as a clean-up service of your reproductive system. This means, in most instances, it shouldn’t be a cause of concern. Take note: “in most instances.” As for the color yellow, there are many reasons it appears like that. Here are some of them:

Your period is coming.

A pale yellow discharge that’s often watery indicates that Aunt Flo is near. The yellow tinges are, in fact, the result of the mucus mixing with tiny amounts of periods. You may notice that there’s a lot of fluid coming out. That’s because the vagina produces more mucus as the hormone levels increase. In this case, there’s nothing to worry about. You might just be a little uncomfortable with the PMS symptoms, like tender breasts, bloating, cramps, and acne. Gynecologists and South Jordan-based practitioners recommend cutting down on fatty, salty food and hitting the gym for some workouts to relieve these symptoms. It’s not the easiest to avoid burgers and fries, especially if they’ve been your PMS comfort food, but at least, try to.

You’re pregnant

checking ultrasound results

It’s possible that a yellow discharge signals pregnancy, especially when it’s thicker and stickier. The hue that you see comes from the implantation bleeding, which occurs early on to the pregnancy. Similar to menstruation, increased hormones are also the reason you see more fluids. There’s also more blood flow to the vagina. This happens so that infections can be avoided, as the cervix and vaginal walls soften. If you’re indeed expecting, you may notice that you’re craving for certain food or feeling extremely tired, nauseous, or irritable. Note that these could be similar symptoms of menstruation, so it’s best to take a pregnancy test or visit your OB-GYN to know for sure.

You have an infection.

If you notice a yellow fluid with a strong smell, this is when the discharge should be a cause of concern. This may indicate yeast infection. This may result from pregnancy, poor immune system, bad eating habits, or hormonal imbalance. Along with the yellow discharge, you’ll notice that your vagina feels itchy and swollen. You might find it painful to urinate and engage in sexual intercourse as well. Usually, OB-GYNs recommend antifungal creams, ointments, or suppositories to treat this condition. If the infection keeps coming back, it’s worth considering if your spouse or sexual partner has yeast infection. It may be the reason for the recurrent condition.

It may be icky and sticky, but vaginal discharge actually gives a peek at the state of your sexual health. Instead of dismissing it or getting baffled at it, pay attention to what that icky, sticky fluid reveals.

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