Recovering Together: The Silent Hurdles of Recovery as a Family

Recovering from addiction is a 360 feat. It doesn’t just affect the addict but also those around them, especially those closest to them. Addiction doesn’t just affect the patient. It affects their family too.

As you continue to care about the welfare of your family member suffering from alcoholism, you go through a different type of struggle. It’s not easy to see a recovering family member go through the highs and lows of the battle for sobriety. It’s not easy to see a family member deal with their addiction.

Sometimes it feels like a roller coaster, the hurt, the hope, the disappointment, and everything else in between. It can be overwhelming. And that’s okay. Know that your feelings are valid.

Recovering isn’t just about recovering from substance abuse. It’s also about recovering ties and relationships. It’s about healing together. If you’re going to be fighting this fight with your recovering loved one, it’s helpful to know what tools and resources are available to you.

Taking the First Step Together

The first step is always to acknowledge and admit that there is a problem. As a family, especially for the alcoholic family member, it’s essential to be on the same page. Having an intervention is one avenue to do so. The thought of it may be daunting, but open communication is the way to go.  It’s important to acknowledge the problem before seeking help. This helps make the most out of treatment. It also helps it become more effective in the long run.

woman with mental health problems

The Next Step

Look for holistic solutions, specifically a holistic alcohol detox plan. A holistic treatment plan should treat alcoholism in 360 degrees. By holistic, we mean a comprehensive program that impacts your loved one’s relationships, opportunities, coping mechanisms, lifestyle, and more. Alcoholism is dynamic, so the treatment should be just as dynamic.

Of course, in this journey, the family is involved too. One of the points of a treatment plan is to mend and strengthen relationships. Be sure to do your research on facilities and services available in your area. Study the program, ask questions, be involved.

Family Therapy in Rehab

The family is almost always included in the treatment plan. This is because social support is integral to long-term recovery. The most common way treatment plans include family members in this journey is through family therapy.

Aside from individual therapy, your loved one can benefit from family therapy. Family therapy in a rehab or a substance uses a recovery setting that aids the patient and their family build resiliency, strong ties, and coping mechanisms. Family therapy doesn’t just provide the tools needed to navigate the journey to sobriety, but it increases the success rate for treatment.

Social Support

Everybody needs social support, including yourself. Watching a loved one go through recovery can be challenging, and sometimes you need someone to talk to about it. You’re not alone in this. You have your family during this journey. But when things get a little too much, it’s okay to take a breather. It’s okay to take a step back for yourself and your mental health. Exercise kindness towards yourself just as you have for your recovering family member.

Remember to take care of yourself. You can’t pour into other people’s cups when your own is empty. If you’re looking to talk to people with similar experiences as you, you can look for support groups in your community. If you feel like it’s something you need, you can even reach out to a mental health professional. It’s essential to listen to your needs, too.


We all want to see our loved ones live their best life. We pour so much love and care into their life because we want to see them flourish. We want to see them grow and become the best version of themselves. Yes, recovery can be intimidating, but it is also growth-centered. It may be painful at times, even tiring, but the only way out is through. It’s not a journey a patient goes through alone. They take it with their family by their side.

As someone who cares about their loved one suffering from alcoholism, you have to be present. You should be there with them on this difficult journey. Be brave to face the challenges as well. It would be best to trust in the treatment plan, support each other, and hope for the best. After all, recovering isn’t solely about your loved one’s journey to sobriety. It’s about making that 180-degree change; it’s about healing together.

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