Improve your self-confidence with Invisalign Clapham

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Improve your self-confidence with Invisalign Clapham

If you’re hoping to find a way to boost your self-confidence and enjoy a healthy, glowing smile, perhaps it’s time to turn to orthodontics. Invisalign Clapham can help to straighten crooked teeth and correct a variety of dental issues, from overlapping and overcrowding to misalignment. It can also aid digestion and improve the strength of your bite force, making meal times a pleasure.

This popular dental solution has transformed the smiles of thousands across the UK, resulting in an improved quality of life overall.

The first step will involve a simple consultation with your local dentist to determine whether you qualify as a suitable candidate for Invisalign; this may include x-rays and an examination of your teeth and gums. Once you are approved, a bespoke treatment plan can be created, and you will be ready to begin your smile makeover.


Patients may experience plaque build-up as a result of overcrowded teeth

Did you know that one of the many causes of plaque build-up is caused by teeth overcrowding or overlapping? Patients may experience difficulty accessing certain teeth due to overcrowding, and this could lead to a buildup of tartar and plaque over time. If left untreated, this could lead to patients developing cavities or, in some cases, catching infections. Invisalign aligners can straighten teeth and create more space so that your teeth are evenly spaced out.

Invisalign offers a discreet method of teeth straightening for patients

One of the leading advantages of choosing Invisalign over traditional metal braces is that the aligners are invisible and barely noticeable during wear; this may appeal to adult patients who might feel embarrassed to wear fixed metal braces, which are more noticeable.

Another reason Invisalign has become so popular is the fact that the aligners can be removed by the patient. Patients are only expected to wear the aligners for around 20 hours a day, unlike traditional braces, which have to be fixed onto the patient’s teeth and cannot be removed until the end of the treatment plan. Invisalign allows patients the freedom to eat and drink without restriction and easily access their teeth for daily brushing and flossing.

happy eating

Enjoy the freedom to eat and drink without any limitations

In addition to a boost in self-confidence and the ability to remove their aligners with ease, patients can also look forward to enjoying a variety of food and drink without any restrictions.

Invisalign can help patients correct overcrowding and overlapping as well as misaligned teeth. Other advantages include improving the patient’s bite force so that they can eat food items that may have been previously restricted from their meal plan.

Do you struggle with overlapping teeth and have difficulty when trying to brush? Are there certain foods you are unable to eat due to certain limitations? Do you find that you shy away from social interaction because you are embarrassed about the current appearance of your teeth? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, it may be time to consider Invisalign aligners.

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