checking blood pressure

Getting over Your Fear of Medical Tests

Your hands are clammy. Your heart is raising. You can’t think straight. You jump when the nurse calls your name. You’re in a hospital and waiting for the results of your medical exams. You know that you’re perfectly healthy, but that doesn’t stop you from feeling anxious. How much anxious do people who have prior medical …

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wedding reception

Event Venue Slip-ups and Ways to Avoid Them

When you are tasked with planning a special occasion, one of the first few things you need to look for is the perfect venue. This may sound like an easy task since you already have a date to book. But in reality, you might end up putting your budget to waste if you’re not careful …

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family health

6 Equipment and Supplies Every Pharmacy Must Have

Aside from observing proper dispensing practices, pharmacies should also have appropriate supplies and equipment to facilitate quick and proper dispensing of medicines and proper storage to keep medicines in optimum condition. The pharmacists manning the establishment must always guarantee proper dispensing of all medications to clients to ensure that there won’t be any health risks on the part …

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group of people having a discussion

Relationship Boost: Improving Your Connections Through Smiling

We find ourselves in a world where people are all connected through the internet and mobile devices. However, it doesn’t always mean that everyone’s relationships have become significantly better. Some even find their connections with others weakening as they depend solely on technology. You might get the idea of investing more time to meet with …

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