Tile Grout Cleaning: The Basics

Tiles have become one of the most common flooring options for households everywhere. It glorifies the visual value of the floor and provides an air of exquisiteness. DIY tiling is a task that many homeowners have undertaken but it’s not an easy task and many who do try it find that the results are less than amazing.

The availability of providers specializing in tile grout cleaning services is established. There are a lot of industrial cleaners on the market right now that promises a clean grout. But, before dwelling on the issue of making it sparkly clean, let’s get to the basics of grout first.

What is grout?

Grout is a porous material which builders or homeowners utilize to fill the gaps, spaces, and cracks between tiles. It unifies the material and makes the tiles pop while creating a smooth finish on the floor or the backlash. The most commonly used material in the industry is cement grout. Most of the time, cement grout consists of cement, water, and sand. You can usually distinguish a grout because it lies in between the tiles on the floor and is generally discolored because of the foot traffic in your home. Since it is porous, it can be easily stained and cleaning up for this particular area becomes necessary.

How to DIY Tile Grout Cleaning?

Before scrubbing in and losing yourself in the music while cleaning, make sure you have a sufficient amount of cleaner to cover the whole area. Aside from the commercially-produced ones, you have home-made choices such as the combination of dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda. How can you make this? Follow the steps below.


In a plastic bowl or container, mix the dish soap, hydrogen peroxide, and baking soda until the powdery substance of baking soda is completely dissolved. Then, apply generous amounts of the cleaner on the grout and let it rest for a maximum of 10 minutes. Scrub and rinse with water.

Tips when cleaning

It is recommended that you follow these tips to make your cleaning session useful.

Cleaning mixture needs to rest in the grouting area

Just like how clothes need to be soaked in detergent and water, grout filled areas need to be exposed to the cleaning mixture as well. It needs to absorb the cleaning agents present in the mix so that when you are scrubbing, dirt and stain can be quickly removed.

Small and firm cleaning tools

As mentioned in the earlier part of the article, grout is a porous material. This means that there are tiny holes where liquid or gas can pass through. To clean those little holes that may have accumulated dirt, you need something of the same size. Using old toothbrushes is an ideal cleaning tool for the job.

Mop the area after rinsing

mopping the floor

Nothing more will visually satisfy a homeowner than a gleaming floor free from stain and dirt, even in hard to reach areas. After rinsing the cleaned grout with water, make sure to mop the area to get rid of the cleaning residue.

There are flooring options available for American households that revolve around carpets, lamination, vinyl or linoleum, or bamboo and hardwood. All of these have their advantages and disadvantages. It is up to you to determine what the most suitable option for your home is and consider aspects such as maintenance and cleaning difficulties.

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