The Role of Dental Websites to Help Increase Patient Numbers

The Need for a Good Dental Website

In this digital age where everything is searched for on the internet, it is essential to have a good website to ensure patients are aware of the presence and whereabouts of their dental practice and the treatments and procedures that are available. In an overcrowded market, it is likely that the competition will all have their dental websites up and running and, without a good online presence, it is difficult to attract new patients as you can be assured that even your existing patients are checking out the competition. Google is the most widely used search engine and receives thousands of searches regarding dental needs each day. Websites for dental practices offering the same general treatments and procedures can all become quite similar and repetitive. An award winning dental marketing team will be able to help develop an attractive, modern, and interesting website that will address all aspects of the dental practice including USPs to help encourage readers to find out more about the treatments and procedures available and potentially book an appointment and become a regular patient at the practice.


Advantages of a good homepage

It has been found that if a homepage takes more than 5 seconds to load then the reader will become frustrated and choose a different site. A specialist marketing team can help create a homepage that will load instantly using compressed images and other techniques to ensure that no potential patients are lost. The homepage will address the profile of the dental practice and showcase the practice’s USPs which will make it stand out amongst the competition. It will be eye-catching and informative and encourage the reader to carry on exploring the remainder of the website.

The 7Ps of dental marketing

The website is made up of information which addresses the 7Ps of dental marketing with regards to your dental practice. This is a specialised and established marketing method which ensures that all aspects of the dental practice are covered and the reader will be able to find all the information they need, portrayed in the most positive and reassuring light to help ensure that they are encouraged to find out more and book an appointment to address their dental needs at the practice very soon.

These 7Ps of marketing include the Profile of the dental practice, the People on the team and the Premises itself, Prices of the treatments and procedures, Promises of good customer service and quality dental care, Proof of successful treatments and the Products and services which the dental practice can individually tailor according to the patient’s needs. Addressing all of these points will ensure that the reader is fully informed with regards to the dental practice and will instill a sense of confidence in the reader, with the practice and the team, by being able to access patient reviews and view ‘before and after’ pictures as well as reading up about the treatments and procedures available in more detail. Speak to an experienced dental marketing team today and watch how quickly those appointment books start filling up.

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