woman smiling

Transform your smile with the help of Invisalign

It’s important to have a healthy, beautiful smile. Never underestimate the power that your smile brings and how it can affect your levels of confidence. Thanks to clear aligners you have the ability to transform your smile. If you feel self-conscious about the current state of your teeth, it’s time to consider Invisalign in Sheffield. …

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woman in dentist

What are fillings and how do they work?

What exactly is a filling? And how do they work? Fillings are a treatment for cavities found at your local dentist Stevenage but to really understand what fillings do and how they resolve cavities, you need to know how cavities come about in the first place and what dental decay is. Dental decay Decay starts …

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dental procedure

What is the point of dental hygiene?

Most dental patients are familiar with the fundamentals of oral hygiene. At home, this includes twice-daily brushing, flossing and rinsing with mouthwash. Also trying to keep your sugar intake as low as possible. When it comes to seeing a professional to undertake hygiene based dental services, many patients become uncertain about this role or its …

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healthy food

What can you eat after wisdom teeth are removed?

Wisdom teeth extraction at a dentist in Ipswich or elsewhere is not uncommon. With so many people having them removed, you have to wonder what post-procedure care is? Thankfully, wisdom teeth are not essential for everyday eating and talking. One of the leading theories of why wisdom teeth exist at all is that they are …

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Dental check-ups and why they are so important

Are you inevitably thinking about postponing your next dental check-up? Below are just some of the reasons why attending these appointments on a regular basis are so important. Healthy teeth and a healthy smile Whilst the appointment may last only 5 to 10 minutes, the impact of this short appointment is fundamental. It may be …

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